10 nuggets of wisdom for your Saturday (Part 100)

God says “Listen to Me. I will talk to you.” Prayer is about listening to what God has to say more than telling God what He needs to do.

Singing praises to Jesus lifts up the roof of desolation and worry. Singing praises to Jesus opens the Heaven and brings blessings galore. Singing praises to Jesus changes the atmosphere and makes everything better. Singing praises to Jesus will change you before it changes your environment.

Stay inspired by the Word of God. Stay thrilled by the Word of God. Stay excited about the Word of God. Stay grounded in the Word of God. Stay in love with the Word of God!

When you bring doubt to the table, you serve yourself a dish of spiritual poison that ruins the appetite of your faith. Send doubt back to the kitchen and let God give you faith to overcome fear, doubt and spiritual indigestion!

When you feel like God is nowhere to be found, you won’t find Him in the dark aisles of moral corruption. He is never in the dark places of self-gratification and the dark places of the cult of the world. He is always in His Word. He is always in the realm of love. Find Him in your heart through prayer. He is never far!

God loves everyone no matter how much you hate them. God sees everyone through the color of love and He has made everyone through the shades of love.

Push through the tough times. Persevere and keep going. Remember that God is behind you doing all the pushing when you push through prayer and praise.

Truth be told. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Truth be told. God will always love you and He adores you. Truth be told. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Peace gives us the wings to fly over our circumstances even when chaos is all that is happening.

God is smiling at you every day despite your tears, despite your fears. God is smiling at you every day despite your frown, despite the times when you drown. God is smiling at you every day. Smile back and enjoy your day!

Suggested reading: Joshua 1:9; Psalm 31:24; Mark 10:27

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